Aparat prodhues i oksigjenit 5L
Aparat prodhues i oksigjenit 10L
Boce oksigjeni 10L
Monometer oksigjeni
Boce oksigjeni 5L
Aspirator elektronik DM-7E-A
Aparat inhalimi DM-240
Aparat inhalimi AL-50
Aparat inhalimi JK-17
Aparat inhalimi AL-20
Mesh nebulizer SHM101
Aparat inhalimi JLN-2318AS
Maske oksigjeni me balon per te rritur
Gyp oksigjeni & per te rritur, femije
Maske oksigjeni& per femije, per te rritur
Mates per puls dhe oksigjen
Mates per puls dhe oksigjen
Maske inhalimi& per te rritur, per femije
Mates per puls dhe oksigjen
Mates per puls dhe oksigjen AS-304-L
Pastrues kunder gerhitjes dhe pastrues i ajrit
Pajisje magnetike kunder gerhatjes
Baby haler S,M,L
Accu check aparat
Accu-Check Active Test A50
Accu check - Performa Test A50
Contour plus aparat
Contour plus Test A50
Contour TS Test A50
SD Codefree Aparat
SD Codefree Test A50
SD Check Test A50
Novacheck glucometer - aparat
Novacheck test strips A50
Bateri 3V CR2032 A2
Insupen 8mm
Insupen 6mm
Insupen 5mm
Insupen 4mm
Lancets (contour) A100
Lancets (accu check) A100
Tensiometer digjital krahu CF 701 rossmax
Tensiometer digjital gjysem automatik
Tensiometer digjital krahu DM- basic
Tensiometer digjital krahu DM-200
Tensiometer digjital i dores DM SOFT
Tensiometer digjital krahu Lumino
Tensiometer digjital i dores DM-Active
Tensiometer digjital krahu A2
Stetoskop HS-30A
Stetoskop dual DM-30L
Tensiometer A20 stetoskop i ndare
Tensiometer A40 stetoskop i ngjitur
Tensiometer mekanik (Doctors' choice)
Tensiometer mekanik palm tip DM-101
Tensiometer mekanik palm type
Tensiometer mekanik
Tensiometer mekanik DM-100
Peshore model WS 50
Dyshek antidekubit 90x200cm DM-40
Termometer veshi infrared
Termometer digjital balli DM-210
Termometer infrared balli&veshi ML-100
Termometer digjital fleksibil T-30
Termometer digjital fleksibil T-20
Termometer digjital T-10
Termometer digjital fleksibil clinical
Termometer digjital flexibil (frog, duck, dog)
Termometer digjital
Termometer digjital
Pompe gjiri manuale GM-20
ANNA Pompe gjiri elektrike kompakte
Pompe gjiri manuale ANNA
Pompe gjiri me shishe
Pompe gjiri
Mantare per gjinje A30
Cucell me shishe 250ml +M
Cucell me shishe 130ml 0+M
NasomerBebe A12
Fresh Bebe A5 Aspirator per hunde
Nazal aspirator me 5 filtera
Nasal aspirator me 10 filtera
Cucell anatomike, Cucell e drejte
Silicone Teat Slow Flow 0-6 Month (Bio Tree)
Silicone Teat Medium Flow 6-18 Month (Bio Tree)
Silicone Teat Fast Flow 18+ Month (Bio Tree)
Serenity Soother 6-18 Month (Bio Tree)
Serenity Soother 0-6Month (Bio Tree)
Harmony Soother 0-6Month (Bio Tree)
Harmony Soother 6-18Month (Bio Tree)
Harmony Soother 18+ Month (Bio Tree)
Full Silicone Soother 0-6 Month
Day & Night Soother 0-6 Month (Bio Tree)
Day & Night Soother 6-18 Month
Wide Neck PP Bottle with Grip 150ml 6+Month (Bio Tree)
Wide Neck PP Bottle With Grip 250ml 6+ Months (Bio Tree)
Wide Neck PP Bottle 150ml 0-6 Month (Bio Tree)
Wide Neck PP Bottle 250ml 0-6 Month (Bio Tree)
Anti Colic PP Bottle 240ml 0-6 Month (Bio Tree)
Dreamy Non-Spill Trainer Cup 125ml 6+Month (Bio Tree)
Dreamy Non-Spill Trainer Cup 250ml 6+Month
Cuddly Straw Cup 300ml 6+ Month (Bio Tree)
Fruit Feeder 6+Months (Bio Tree)
Feeding Spoon with Silicone 6+ Month 2Pcs (Bio Tree)
Patterned Soother Chain (Bio Tree)
Silicone Teether (Bio Tree)
Silicone Nasal Aspirtator (Bio Tree)
Manual Breast Pump (Bio Tree)
Shtypese e barnave
Prerese per barna
Kuti javore e barnave
Kuti per proteza te dhembeve
Kuti ditore e barnave
Pajisje per mbrojtjen e dhembeve
Pajisje dyaneshe per mbrojtjen e dhembeve
Pajisje njeaneshe per mbrojtjen e dhembeve
Shpatulla druri
Breke per syneti S,M,L,XL
Lopate fecesi me kapak
Guske urinare
Kanille e verdhe 24G, Kanille e kaltert 22G
Shiring 10ml A100
Shiring 2.5ml A100
Shiring 5ml A100
Sistem infuzioni
Baby sistem 21g e gjelbert, 23g e kaltert
Kateter silikoni nr: 16,18,20
Kateter foley nr: 8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22
Kondom kateteri S,M,XL
Qese pediatrike per femra dhe meshkuj
Qese urinare me leshim 2L
Qese urinare me leshim 2L me plus
Gote urine , Gote fecesi
Gjilpera sterile
Lidhese krahu
Midstream test per shtatzani
Test shtatzanie
Test per shtatzani me pipet
Ovulation test A2
Doreza latex pa puder S,M,L,XS,XL
Doreza latex me puder S,M,L,XL
Doreza nitrile te kalterta S,M,L
Doreza nitrile te zeza S,M,L
Doreza sterile 7, 7/5, 8 ,8/5
Maske per fytyre N95
Maske N95 me filter A1
Maske per femije A10
Maske per fytyre A1
Maske mbrojtese zeze, e kaltert,e bardhe
Kalaqe per kepuce A100
Kapela mbrojtese e bardhe, e gjelbert A100
Fix ear adult A6
Fix ear baby A6
Tampon silikoni A6
Tampon silikoni per veshe A4
Tampon shpuze per veshe A4
Tampon shpuze me lidhese per veshe A2
Tampon gome me lidhese per veshe A2
Shkopinje per veshe A200
Shkopinje per vesh A100
Shkopinje per vesh A200
Bepanthen ointment provitamin B5 100g
Bepanthen ointment provitamin B5 30g
Panthenol mast 30g
Sudocrem 250gr
Sudocrem 125g
Sudocrem 60g
Glysolid 100l
Penaten creme 150ml
Penaten creme 50ml
Vaselin original 100ml
Vaselin original 50ml
Vaseline Origjinal Petrolum Jelly 10ML (Curalene)
Vaseline lip therapy original 20g
Vaseline lip therapy rose lip 20g
Vaseline lip therapy cocoa butter 20g
Vaseline lip therapy aloe 20g
Lip Therapy Lip Care Cocoa Butter 17G
Lip Therapy Rosy Lip Care 17G (Curalene)
Lip Therapy Original Lip Care 17G (Curalene)
Vaseline / natural 80g
Vaseline 125ml
Vaseline rose 80ml
Vaseline forea 125ml
Labelle original
Labelle me vitamin C 30spf
Labelle classic A2
Vaseline lip rosy lips
Labelle rose,dredhez,origjinal
Labelle watermelon,blackberry,cherry shine
Labelle dredhez,qershi,shege
Labelle mix A1
Lip balm romantic bear A1
Labelle batman,spiderman,LOL
Vaseline original per buze A1
Labelle amino acid,vaseline,aloe vera
Hyaluronic lip care
Labelle neutrogena
Labelle frozen,elsa,olaf
Labelle pa ngjyre A1
Labella Lip Balm Cocoa Butter + Vit E 4.8G A3
Labella Lip Balm Origjinal + Vit E 4.8G A3
Labella Lip Balm Aloe Vera + Vit E 4.8G A3
Labella - Lip Smacker 4.0G (Frozen II)
Labella - Lip Smacker 4.0G (Coca Cola)
Balsam kali 500ml
Balsam kali 250ml
Balsam kali 100ml
Balsam kali ftohes 250ml
Balsam kali ngrohes 250ml
Balsam kali ngrohes 100ml
Krem per vena 250ml
Krem per kembe me herbale alpine 250ml
Gell per eshtra dhe muskuj 250ml
Gell anti celulit fresh 250ml
Gell anti celulit 250ml
Balsam per lekure te ashper 250ml
Gell masazhi me eukalipt 250ml
Krem me ekstrakte kumaku 250ml
Krem me ekstrakte kumaku 100ml
Vaselin ringerblumen kumaku 100ml
Eis gell 100ml
Krem me ajke qumeshti 100ml
Krem me ekstrakte arnika 250ml
Krem me ekstrakte arnika 100ml
Vaseline 100ml
Krem per kembe 100ml
Krem per duar dhe thonje 100ml
Krem per duar dhe thonje 100ml
Krem per fytyre kumake 100ml
Coffein shampoo 200ml
Coffein shampoo 200ml
Babaria Onion Shampoo 700ml
Shampoo rosemarine 500ml
Shampoo hithi 500ml
Shampoo kamomili 500ml
Shampoo hudhre 500ml
Shampoo krauter 500ml
Serum per rritjen e flokut 100ml
Gell antibakterial 500ml
Krem dite me efekt zbutes
Krem nate me efekt regjenerues
Xhel pastrues per fytyre
Sugar peeling 250gr
Serum per fytyre
Ampulla me acid hialuronik
Krem per reduktimin e rrudhave ne sy
Body krem 10% urea
Serum anti-celulit 100ml
Aloe vera gell 200ml
Sport gel cool 150ml
Sport gel hot 150ml
Sport shower gell 200ml
U-3 cream 150ml
U-10 cream 150ml
U-40 emulsion 150ml
Anti-spot cream with Vitamin C 30ml
Anti- spot AHA gel 30ml
Froiplak plus 0.20 250ml
Froiplak homeo flouride mouthrinse spearmint 250ml
Froiplak 0.12 oral rinse 250ml
Froiplak homeo orange 250ml
Froiplak plus 250ml
Froiplak homeo apple - cinnamon 250ml
Froiplak flour flouride mouthrinse 250ml
Ac sal peptide cream 30ml
Hyaluronic anti - spot 50+ spf 50ml
Hyaluronic tinted 50+ spf 50ml
Ac sal wash cleanser 200ml
Ac aha - 10 emulsion 125ml
Froiplak gel 40ml
Suncare tinted cream 50+ spf 50ml
Suncare anti - spot cream 30ml
Suncare cream 50+ water resistant 50ml
Sensitive cream intolerant skin 40ml
Scar gel sunscreen 50+ spf 30ml
Cinolin cream 125ml
W plus cream 200ml
W plus milk 200ml
W plus wash emolient 200ml
AC lotion f 200ml
Calamine lotion 125ml
Froicalm cream with calamine 150ml
Ninolin shampoo 125ml
Pyrocton shampoo 200ml
Sensitive A-R cream Anti-Redness 40ml
Anti hair loss peptide shampoo 200ml
Hyaluronic aha 10milk 125ml
AC Azelaic cream 20% 30ml
AC Azelaic gel 10% 30ml
Anti-pigment serum + Vitamin C 30ml
Antipigment cream spf50+VitaminC 30ml
Anti-pigment peptide cream 30ml
Ac liquid cleanser face&body 200ml
Anti-pigment whitening body milk 200ml
Froipol liquid 200ml
Hyaluronic C micro cream 50ml
Hyaluronic C eye cream 15ml
Premium night drops retinoid vit C+E 30ml
Zetasin lubricating jelly 90ml
Climbazole shampoo 200ml
Pilopeptan anti hair loss shampoo 250ml
Froisept mouth wash 250ml
Renex plus tar/sulfur shampoo 200ml
Renex - S foaming cleasing liquid 200ml
Pantogrin plus shampoo 200ml
Doreza guanto corto algodon S,M
Doreza guante nitrilo S,M,L
Scar gel 40ml
Flamosin gel 40ml
Hyaluronic C mature cream 40ml
Anti - hair loss peptide lotion 100ml
Sprej per kembe foot guard 180ml
Deo-sprej per kepuce 100ml
Puder per kembe 50g
Krem per kembe foot guar 150ml
Gur per thembra te kembeve
Puder per kembe 10g
Foot care spray 50ml
Flaster per femije A10
Fllaster-strips kunder ujit
Pflaster strips 4 forma A20
Pflaster strips transparent A20
Flaster sensitiv A20
Flaster silber A10
Pflaster-strips transparent 2 forma A10
Fllaster per kallo A5
Silar patches 3 patch
Silikon per kepuce (1 pale)
Silikon per mbrojtjen e thembres (1 pale)
Herpes-patch A6
Flaster syri per femije 5.7x7.3 cm A25
Flaster syri per te rritur 5.8x8.3cm A25
Flaster syri per te rritur 6.5x9.5cm A50
Flaster syri me dizajne per femije 5.7x7.3cm A50
Flaster rrethor A100
Stand me 3 lloje te flasterave A72
Flaster per lythi
Flaster ekonomik (per prerje)
Flaster nje formesh
Flaster kater formesh
Flaster per ethe A10
Flaster rezitues ndaj ujit A10
Flaster per ndaljen e gjakut A10
Flaster per lehtesimin e frymarrjes
Flaster suture strip A8
Flaster me aloe vera
Flaster per largimin e pikave te zeza
Flaster me efekt inhalues
Flaster me dizajne
Flaster transparent A20
Fllaster transparent rrethor A20
Nose Support Tape 3+5 A8 (Cansin)
Fllaster per akne A20 No:230
Flaster kunder mushkonjave
Flaster antireumatik
Flaster transparent per fluska te kembes A5
Flaster klasik
Flaster cansin plast klasik A30x10
Flaster cansin band plus A30x10
Flaster A30x10
Flaster me dizajne per femije
Duratape kinesiyolog tape 5cmx5m
Kinesiology sports 5cmx5m
Leukoplast sport A1 10mx3.8cm
Leukoplast me vrima 5mx5cm
Leukoplast transparent 5mx2.5cm
Leukoplast transparent 5mx5cm
Leukoplast pambuku 5mx5cm
Leukoplast pambuku 5mx2.5cm
Leukoplast mendafshi 5mx5cm
Leukoplast letre 5mx5cm
Leukoplast letre 5mx2.5cm
Leukoplast mendafshi 5mx2.5cm
Pelhure vetengjites fix 10mx10cm
Pelhure vetengjitese fix 5mx10cm
Pelhure vetengjitese fix 5mx5cm
Fllaster per kanille 6x8cm A50
Gaze sterile 10x10cm
Gaze sterile 5x5cm
Gaze sterile 7.5x7.5cm
Gaza sterile A25 9x25cm
Gaza sterile A25 9x30
Gaza sterile A25 9x35cm
Gaza sterile A25 9cmx15cm
Gaza sterile A25 9x20cm
Gaza sterile A5 9x10cm
Gaza sterile A10 5x7.5cm
Gaza sterile A25 9x10cm
Gaza sterile A50 9x5cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A25 9x15cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A10 9x5cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A25 9x10cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A5 9x35cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A5 9x30cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A5 9x25cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A25 9x30cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A25 9x25cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A25 9x35cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A50 5x7.5cm
Fasho kirurgjikale A5 9x10cm
Fasho kirurgjikale 5x7.5cm A10
Fasho kirurgjikale A50 9x5cm
Fashe 5cmx4m
Fashe 10cmx4m
Fashe 15cmx4m
Fashe 15cmx2m
Fashe 10cmx1.5m
Fashe gjysemelastike 6cmx4.5m
Fasho gjysemelastike 8cmx4.5m
Fasho gjysemelastike 12cmx4.5m
Fasho gjysemelastike 20cmx4.5m
Fasho gjysemelastike 10cmx4.5m
Fasho gjysemelastike 15cmx4.5m
Fashe elastike 8cmx150cm
Fashe elastike 15cmx150cm
Fashe elastike 10cmx150cm
Fashe vetengjitese 10cmx4.5m
Fashe vetengjitese 7.5cmx4.5m
Fashe vetengjitese 5cmx4.5m
Fashe vetengjitese 2.5cmx4.5m
Cante e ndihmes se pare
Kuti e vogel per ndihme te pare
Abdominal tape 10x20cm (per mbledhjen e gjakut)
Love+Classic A24
Love+Sensation A24
Love+Orange A24
Dolphi lubricant ultra comfort 100ml
Dolphi lubricant light mint 100ml
Dolphi lubricant sweet pleasure 100ml
Lubricant gel vagina tightener 50ml
Breast firming cream 50ml
Lubricant gel enhancement 50ml
Lubricant gel natural 100ml
Lubricant gel erection 50ml
Vaj masazhi per trup 250ml
Lubricant gel chocolate 100ml
Genital bleaching cream 50ml
Lubricant gel strawberry 100ml
Lubricant gel chocolate 125ml
Lubricant gel warming 50ml
Lubricant gel delay 50ml
Lubricant gel strawberry 125ml
Dolphi 3in1
Dolphi Anatomic Ultra Thin
Dolphi Classic
Dolphi Ribbed
Dolphi Ultra Thin
Chocolate 4in1 24gr
Chocolate per meshkuj 16g
Chocolate per femra 16g
Wonderfull honey gold Q7 12x15g
Power herbal paste with epimedium 6 sachets
Honey power 43gr
Premium king honey
6 Bull 24/7 30 tab
NT-41 Solution 300 ml
Vaj i fares se zeze 200ml
Vaj i fares se zeze 100ml
Vaj i fares se zeze vitamin D3
Balance solution (ekstrakt bimor kunder thatesires ne lukth) 20ml
Vaj rosemarine 100ml
Vaj rosmarine 30ml
Ekstrakt dudi fruta mali 50ml
Ekstrakt dudi fruta mali 100ml
Vaj kantarioni 100ml
Uthull e molles se eger 500ml
NT Calm Oral Spray 30ml (NT- Solutions)
After sun lotion 200ml
Rosemary shampoo 450ml
Pastrues per makeup 60ml
Primelop kunder djegies cream 50ml
Primelop kunder djegies 100ml
Lip balm classic, aloe vera, flower, chocolate 10ml
Krem per lekure te irrituar 100ml
Pastrues per makeup 150ml
Anti acne face cream 50ml
Wart Remover Liquid Solution 20ML ( NT41 Solutions)
Oriblete Sage A12
Oriblete eucalyptus & menthol A12
Oriblete Honey A12
Bonbona kids A12
Bonbona kids honey A12
Bonbona kids eucalyptus menthol A12
Herbal Lozenges Sage A20
Herbal Lozenges eucaluptus & menthol A20
Herbal Lozenges finest bee honey A20
Multivitamin+Calcium 50 lollipops
Immunity 50 lollipops
Lolli travel Lepistra udhetimi A3
Gummy monsters immunity A60
Gummy monsters multivitamin A60
Gummy monsters omega-3 smartvit A60
Gummy monsters vitamin C A60
Healthy growth vitamins & minerals A60
Smart brain vitamins Zinc+Iron A60
Bones & Teeth vitamins K2+D3,Ca A60
Omnega - 3 Multivit B,C,D,E iodine A60
Immunity boost 60 gummies
Beauty Complex Hair, Nail & Skin A50
Qaj-lemon,ginger,honey 8 sachets
Qaj-mint, black currant 8 sachets
Activelife per jete dinamike A30
Multivit- sistem i forte dhe i shendetshem A30
Antistress- per reduktimin e stresit ditor A30
Visiovit A30 per shikimim te shendetshem
Prenatal Multivit A30 per shtatzena dhe gjidhenese
Beautyvit A30 vitamina per bukuri
Calcivit A30 per kocka dhe dhembe te forte
Neuroforce A30 per sistem te shendetshem nervor
Hair, nail&skin formule e avancuar per floke, thonje, lekure 30 capsules
Nature Collagen Powder 240g
Joint Collagen Powder 240g
Beauty Collagen Powder 240g
Potenton Happy men A30
Femiton forte Happy women A30
Prostaton forte Happy men A30
Fertilex man Happy men A30
Fertilex women A30
Imunovit long effect 30 capsules
Omega 3-6-9 Optimum 30 capsules
Omega-3 Multivit 30 capsules
Omega-3 Cardiomax 30 capsules
Black Garlic A20 Kapsula prej hudhres se zeze
Vitamin C+Zinc 30 capsules
Femina herbs Happy women A30
Vitamin C 550mg 20eff
Vitamin C 1000mg 20eff
Vitamin C 1000mg+Zinc 20eff
Calcium+Vitamin D3 20eff
Magnesium+ B complex 20eff
Antistress Mg+VitaminB6,K, Taurin,C 20eff
Multi Vitamins + Biotin A,B,C,D3,E,P,H 20eff
Active Vitamins and Minerals+ Lycopene 20eff
Kids multivitamin + Calcium 20eff
Joint Care 20eff
Senna+Vitamin C 20eff
Slime Line L- Carnitine 20eff
Collagen Beauty 20eff
Sambucus immuno+black elderberry +V.C+Zink eff
Guten Morgen After Party 20eff
Calcium 400mg CA+100mg Vitamin C 20eff
Magnesium 200mg 24eff
Calcium+Vitamin C 20eff
Calcium 20eff
Calcium + Vit.D3 20eff
Magnesium 375+vitamin B6 20eff
Multivitamin 20eff
Vitamin C 180mg 20eff
Magnesium lemon flavour 20eff
Imun max 20eff
Reumin maxiflex 1350mg 20eff
Vitamin B - complex 1000mg 30 tab
Diabest 1000mg 30 tab
Vitamin - C gold 1000mg 30 caps
Vitamin D3 5000IU 400mg 30 tab
Melatonin kids - sleep well 30 gummies
Povidon jod 10% 1L
Povidon jod 10% sprej 100ml
Povidon jod 10% 100m
Acid borik sol 3% 100ml
Acid borik 3% 1L
Acid Borik 3% 500ml
Acid borik 3% 100ml
Hidrogjen 3% 1L
Hidrogjen 3% 100ml
Hidrogjen 3% 100ml
Alkool 96% 1L pa ngjyre
Alkool 96% 100ml pa ngjyre
Alkool 70% 1L pa ngjyre
Alkool 70% 100ml pa ngjyre
Alkool etilik sprej 70% 1L
Alkool 70% sprej 100ml
Gel per ultraze 1L
Rivanol 0.1% dezinfektues - antiseptik 1L
Rivanol dezinfektues antiseptik 100ml 0.1%
Uje distiluar 1L
Uje i distiluar 100ml
Gliserin 35gr
Medisist enema +12 vjec tretesire rektale 135ml
Krem oksidues 6% 50ml
Sode bikarboni pa alumin 250g
Sode bikarboni me qese 100g
Fawar lemon A6 (forcim te sistemi imunitar)
Black mulberry (shurup dudi) 40g
Black mulberry syrup (shurup dudi) 80g
Vitamin C 1000mg 60 tablets
Vaj esencial rosmarine 10ml
Vaj ricini (fruta mix) 50ml
Vaj ricini (limon) 50ml
Vaj ricini (banane) 50ml
Vaj ricini (mint) 50ml
Vaj ricini (molle) 50ml
Ovifol (20x3gr) 20 sachets
Vaj bademi 30ml
Povidon jod 10% 100ml
Povidon jod 10% spray 100ml
Povidon jod 1000ml
Hidrogjen 3% 100ml
Gell per ultraze 500ml
Gell per ultraze 250ml
Gell ftohes & ngrohes 27x35cm
Gell ftohes & ngrohes 13x26cm
Gell ftohes & ngrohes 13x13cm
Gel ftohes/ ngrohes 27x35cm
Gel ftohes/ngrohes 13x26cm
Gel ftohes / ngrohes 13x13cm
Multi collagen powder 10.000mg collagen 330g
Collagen beauty 1.000mg 60 tablets
Collagen beauty 1.000mg 30 tablets
Imun collagen sambucus 650mg collagen 30 tablets
Imun collagen curcumin 650mg collagen 30 tablets
Collagen peptides life assist 3.000mg collagen 90 tablets
Collagen peptides life assist 3.000mg collagen 30 tablets
Collagen peptides 8.000mg collagen 7 sachets
Collagen peptides 8.000mg collagen 30 sachets
Collagen peptides pineapple 25ml
Collagen liquid 2.500mg 60ml
Collagen peptides beauty assist 8.00mg 30 sachets
Collagen gurme 5.000mg 24 stick
Collagen gurme 5.000mg 150g
Beauty gummy collagen 60 gummies
Beauty powder melatonin 30 sticks
4 Joint 15 stick sachets
Omega 3 fish oil 60 capsules
Biotin 10mg 120 tableta
Evita retinol vitamin A 30.000IU 70mg 60 capsula
C&B vitamin complex 60 capsula
Multivitamin&mineral 100 tablet
Iron max 60mg 30 tableta
B-well compound 90 tableta
Vitamin B12 1000mgx 90 tableta
Carnizinc 30 tableta
Vitamin D3 1000IU 90 tableta
Sunny drops D3 vitamin 4200IU 10ml
Multivitamin syrup 150ml
E-vita toco 30 capsules
Vitamin C 500mg 30 tab
Vitamin D3 50.000IU 8 softgel capsules
Vitamin B6 50mg 30 tab
Relax sleep aid 30 tab
Vitamin D3 2000IU 60 tab
Relief guard 24 tab
Wellfol folic acid 1000mcg 30 tab
Collagen type 1,2,3 1000mg 30 tab
Hydrolized Collagen tipe I-II-III 10.000mg 7 sachets
Collagen tipe I-II-III 10.000mg 30 sachets
Pure elegant collagen tip I-III 5500mg 15X40ml
Vaj kokosi 200ml
Vaj kokosi 100ml
Vaj kokosi 30ml
Iron max syrup FE 50mg/5ml 150ml
Yum tums vitamins 200ml
B - well vitamins complex B6,B12,B1, 30 tab
Digestive enzymes 30 tab 6.9gr
Gluta - C 500mg dietary supplement 30 caps
Little hero drops 30ml
Vitareplete bariatric multivitamin & minerals 120 tab
Vitamin B2 60 caps
E - vita toco vitamin E 100mg 90 caps
Femmefire libido booster for women 30 tab
Omega - 3 1000mg
Evita retinol vitamin A 30.000IU&E 70mg 30 caps
Multifer oral drops A,C,D,FE 20ml
B12 vitamin drops 10ml
Black seed oil drops with propolis 30ml
Magnesium B6 60 kapsula
Zinc 15mg + Vitamin C 1000mg 30 kapsula
Vitamin C 1000mg 30 kapsula
Omega-3 1200mg 30 capsula
Cranberry+ Vitamin C 10 sachets
Selenium 200mcg 60 sachets
Active magnesium citrate 60 capsula
Prota ginkgo biloba drops 30ml
D3 800IU drops 20ml
Nutri-Plum 60 Tablets (Nutrifactor)
Nutri - plum (ndihmon ne lehtesimin e kapsllekut) 30 tablets
Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (vaj islandezi i melcise se merlucit omega - 3) 150ml
Triomega 3-6-9 (Omega 3,6 dhe 9) 60 softgels
Normega 500mg 60 softgels
Normega 1000mg 30 softgels
Norcod (vaj i melcise se merlucit 500mg, Omega-3 A,D) 60 softgels
Suncell 5000IU vitamin D3 A60
Nutri - D3 2000IU 30 chewables (permirsimin e kockave)
Vita-D3 10000IU 30 chewables (per permirsimin e kockave dhe te muskujve)
Bonex - K CA+VIT-D & K 30 tablets (per rritjen dhe mbeshtetjen e kockave)
Bonex - Z CA+MG & ZN 30 tab (ndihmon ne forcimin e kockave)
Turmeric Curcumin (ul inflamacionin dhe dhimbjen e kyceve) 30 capsules
Bonex-D tab (Calcium&D3) A30
Nuflex (suplement per nyje dhe kocka) 30 tablets
Nucal-M (calcium, magnesium, D3) 30 tablets
Nucal-Z (calcium,magnesium,D3) 30 tablets
Magnesium 500mg (shendeti i kockave,nervave,dhe muskujve) 60 tablets
Jointin-D (Glucosamine, D3, formule mbeshtetese te nyjeve) 30 tablets
Leanax-suplement dietik 60 capsula
B-50 B-Complex 30 tablets
Prozon (mbeshtetje e funksionit te shendetshem te prostates) 30 capsula
Vitamin B12 (mbeshtetje ne metabolizmin e energjise) 60 tablets
Tribulus Terrestis 250mg(permirson shendetin riprodhues) A60
Lectamor (mbeshtet shendetin e gruas ne prodhimin e qumeshtit te gjirit) 30 capsule
Sleep well (per gjume te qete) 30 capsules
Ginseng 250mg (mbeshtet imunitetin, shendetin mendor) 30 capsules
Ginkgo focus (fokus ne memorie maksimale) 30 tablets
Melatonin 3mg (per nje gjume te rehatshem) 30 tablets
Melatonin (melatonin 5mg) 30 tablets
Folic Acid 400mg 60 tablets
Maxzoom tab (skin,hair,nails) A60
Gencell (collagen peptides+ biotin&vitamin C) 60 tablets
Morganica (mbeshtet per imunitetin) 60 capsules
Nutin - Biotin 2500mg (per floke,lekure,thonje) 30 tablets
Biotin plus 2500mcg (floke te shendetshem, thonje, lekure) 30 tablets
Extra-C (Vit.C + ekastrakt trendafili) 30 tablets
Nutri-C vitamin C 500+Zinc 30 tablets
Nutri-C 1000 (vitamin C, ekstrakt trendafili) 30 tablets
Ventacid (qetesues i stomakut pas ngrenies) 60 tablets
Prostamen (ekstrakt i fares se kungullit) 30 capsule
Cranflo 250mg (ekstrakt i boronices se kuqe) 30 capsule
Nuzinc zinc gluconate 50mg 30 tablets
Gluta glime (L-glutazione, vitamin C,E) 30 tablets
Nutri collagen (lekure, floke, thonje te shendetshem) 60 capsules
Coenzime Q10 100mg 30 capsule
E-cell vitamin E 400IU 30 softgels
Femrose 500mg (vaj i agulices, promovon shendetin e grave) 60 softgel
Opti vision (mbeshtet shendetin e syrit) 60 capsule
Norik (promovon nivele te shendetshme te acidit urik) 60 capsule
Lipozin (suplement dietik) 60 capsules
Nurilax ashwagandha 30 capsule
Gluta fair L-glutathione + Vitamin C 30 capsule
Visionex 30 tab (ndihmon ne mbeshtetjen e syve)
Ginkgo biloba 30 caps (ndihmon ne permirsimin e kujteses,stresit,trurit)
Fero iron with vitamin C&B cps A30
Bio grow multivitamin 30 gummies
Lacta-D calcium+vitamin D3 (per kocka dhe dhembe) 30 tablets
Extra-C 60mg vitamin C 30 gummies
Tryception (mbeshtet fertilitetin e meshkujve) 30 capsula
Glutazon 500mg (antioksidant & permireson lekuren) 30 capsule
Cufex shurup i gjethes se dredhkes (lehteson kollen, permireson frymemarrjen) 120ml
Bio grow shurup (vitamin A,C,D,E,B) 4-16vjec 120ml
Nucal-Z shurup (calcium,zinc,magnesium,D3) 120ml
Yum-C syrup (ndihmon ne rritjen e imunitetit) 120ml
Omega 3 1000mg 100 capsules
Omega 3 500mg 120 capsules
Omega - 3 120caps (Heliusan)
Neuro-B Vit Vitamin B1,B6,B12
Neurovital forte 30 tablets
Iron & Vitamin B complex forte 100 capsules
Alpha peptide collagen 11.000mg 25ml
Alpha peptide collagen 25ml
Beauty collagen 25ml
Magnestick 400mg 30 sticks
Magnesium+B complex 30 sticks
Magnesium 400 direct +B6+B12+folic acid A30
Stress relief 30 capsula
B-complex forte 70g
Silymarin forte 120 capsules
Huxol classic 580 tableta
Huxol originial 1200 tableta
Brati's 150 cope
Multikids 60 tableta
Stevia pura sweetener A300
A-Z Vitamine+Lutein + Q10 A60
Magnesium + vitamin C A30
Prostatis forte A100
Herbal viagra 30 tablets
Salbei bonbons vitamin C 50g
Larimucil bambini 1+175ml
Ferplus tre-tard 30mg A30
Naudigest bustine A18 3.2g
Orbit bubblemint A30
Orbit eucalyptus A30
Orbitspearmint A30
Orbit strawberry A30
Orbit pepermint A30
Orbit buleberry A30
Airwaves cool classic A30
Airwaves menthol & eucalyptus A30
Vaj i fares se zeze 125ml
Vaj ulliri extra - virgin 250L
Vaj kokosi 370ml
Vaj kokosi 220ml
Vaj kokosi 106ml
Vaj kokosi 30ml
Mjalte me dhjam guse 220gr
Dhjam guse 100ml
Mjalte me dhajm guse 380gr
Mjalt me Vjam Guse 250gr
Vaj ulliri 50ml
Vaj ricini 50ml
Vaj kokosi 50ml
Vaj kantarioni 50ml
Vaj bademi 50ml
Cod liver oil liquid 500ml
Vitamin B complex + 50 C 30 tablets
Osteo advance CA,MG 60 tableta
Collagen beauty 90 capsula
Babytol DHA omega twist of caps 30 caps
Babytol D3 omega twist of caps 30 caps
Babytol D3 twist of caps 30 caps
Babytol D3+K1 twist of caps 30 caps
Probival +C+ZN 20tab
Babytol coli drops 10ml
Babytol neonate drops 10ml
Ors elcetrorus orange eff A10
Ors electroush dredhez eff A10
Sun D3 25.000IU 30 softgel
Sun D3 vitamin 25.000IU A30
Tirodine selenium iodine 30 capsules
Ovavit forte 20x5g sachets
Omegana (Omega 6 1000mg) 30 softgel
Septolis spray for throat 30ml
Spermavit forte 30 tablets
Vitamin E 200IU 30 tablets
Ginkgo A60
Valerian A30
Probiotic 10 capsules
Vitamin D3 5.000IU 30 capsules
Alodine 30 caps
Helix original 30 capsules
Diabeto Strong 30 tablets
Weekly D3 50.000IU 12 tablets
Dayfull Q10& ginseng 30 tab
Q-fol methyl folate 90 tableta
Rundovit 4000 A 60
Vitamin D3 2000IU A60
Vitamin D3 4000IU A60
Medistav rebuild 30 sachets
Sundovit D3+K2 A30
Gelsectan 30 caps
Prostenal perfect 30 tab
Presal 30 kapsula
Deep sleep melatonin formula 10 caps
Auravit D3 5000IU 15 softgel
Deltivin D3 35.000IU 15 capsules
Koenzim Q10 30mg 30 caps
Magnesium + VitB6 A30
Gluko plus 20 stick
Crannos 12 stick pack
Ferrovit icon 10mlx10 vial
Policol one 30 capsula
Master memory 30 caps
Multivitamine A-Z depot 100 tabletten
Urinal D manosa forte 10 qese
Inulinobiotic 4+ 30 caps
Cardiol forte 90 minicapsule
Arthrostop intensiv 60 tab
Panthenol 30mg20 oribletaa
New iron menstrual 10 kaps
New iron 30 caps
Magnetrans 375mg 20 stick
Artilane classic 15 viales
Thyrobalance 30 capsules
Noglic 30 tableta
Enzimax forte 20 capsula
Kalciosal A30
Cardisan 1000 A30
Cardimax A50
Esoxx one kesica 20x10ml
Brusnica shurup 150ml
Jagorcevina shurup 150g
Bijeli Sljez (mullage e bardhe) 150g
Baladex shurup 150ml
Plusspan 100ml
Plusspan kids 1-11 years 100ml
Ferrovit syrup 150ml
Argivit classic sir 150ml
Argivit focus sir 150ml
Multi kids syrup 150ml
Tylol suspession per femije dhe bebe 100ml
Tylol cool sir per femije 100ml
Omnitus syrup 4mg/5ml 200ml
Laktuloza 66.7/100 sir 200ml
Bisolvon syrup 4mg/5ml
Lihen forte syrup 150ml
Ivilen syrup c100ml
Timi syrup 100ml
Viranto forte syrup 1-3 years 100ml
Bimunal imuno syrup 500ml
New iron kids 125ml syrup
Ors electrorush orange drink 200ml
Restore (mbeshtet dhe permireson ovulacionin) 30 oral strips
Rekindle (rregullon humorin) 30 oral strips
Rewind (redukton linjat e holla dhe rrudhat) 30 oral strips
Replenish (rrit menyren e kolagjenit ne menyre natyrale) 30 oral strips
Repair (riparimin e renies se flokeve) 30 oral strips
Caj lule kamomil 60gr
Caj per kollen 100gr
Caj rigon i kuq 70gr
Caj tensioni 100gr
Caj per veshka 100gr
Caj majaseli 90gr
Caj prostate 70gr
Caj sherebeli 60gr
Caj pelin 70gr
Qaj perzierje bimore qe ndihmon ne dobesin 10gr
Caj fier guri 90gr
Caj sherebele A20
Caj boronice e kuqe brusnice A20
Caj kamomil A20
Slim tea 90gr
Caj virak 50gr
Caj virak filter 20 tea bags
Alkalax caj 20 filter
Turbo slim tea 70gr
Caj virak 75g
Caj per lukth 80g
Caj kantarioni 90g
Slim tea detox A20
Qaj matcha A20
Amer Qaj Brusnice 62.5G A20
Bioblas antistres + biotin 360ml
Bioblas hudhre 360ml
Bioblas me vaj ulliri 360ml
Bioblas anti hair loss 360ml
Bioblas anti sebum 360ml
Bioblas coffeine + ginseng 360ml
Bioblas collagen + keratin 360ml
Bioblas - hithi 360ml
Bioblas me vaj argani 360ml
Bioblas probiotic + panthenol 360ml
Restorex me biotin kunder renies se flokeve 500ml
Bioblas kunder zbokthit + conditioner 360ml
Bioblas mentol + uthull molle for men 360ml
Bioblas mentol & complex B19 for men 360ml
Bioblas forte complex B19 360ml
Bioblas keratin repair 360ml
Bioblas cream 7/24 collagen & keratin 250ml
Bioblas liquid conditioner 200ml
Restorex conditioner 200ml
Bioblas liquid 7/24 collagen & keratin 200ml
Bioblas hair care conditioner argan 250ml
Bioblas sprej me vaj argani 100ml
Reestorex - per floke te thate dhe te demtuar 500ml
Restorex bio oil complex (7 vajera ushqyese) 500ml
Restorex keratin & argan 500ml
Restorex collagen bitoin 500ml
Restorex per floke te yndyrshem 500ml
Krem rosa per lekure te thate 100ml
Krem bianca per lekure normale 100ml
Face sun cream 50+ 75ml
Bebe avovado 50ml
Bebe day & night 50ml
Bebe zart creme 50ml
Bebe zart creme 150ml
Nivea creme 75ml
Nivea soft 50ml
Anti acne serum 30ml
Derma IS (kunder skuqjes) 50ml
Mela IS 50ml
Pomade per lythi ne tegell 150ml
Pomade per lythi ne fishek 150ml
Leng me lythi per brushe 12ml
Krem per fytyre vitamin C 50g
Vitamin C serum Dr. Rashel 50ml
Serum vitamin C 30ml
Serum vitamin E 30ml
Serum per fytyre collagen 30ml
Serum per fytyr
Serum per fytyre vitamin C&E 30ml
Retinol hyaluronic acidl ifting serum
Vitamin C + HA 30ml
Essence juicy bomb (Nr.101) 10ml
Essence juicy bomb (Nr.102) 10ml
Essence mascara crazy volume 12ml
Essence mascara volume 12ml
Essence lipgloss extreme shine (Nr.102) 5ml
Essence lipgloss extreme shine (Nr.01) 5ml
Aceton Fitofarm 50ml
Aceton Classico 125ml
Aceton 100ml
Nail polish remover pads A2
Krem per duar urea 3% 75ml
Handsan 5% urea 75ml+25ml
Baby cream 300ml
Baby cream 60ml
Paste oksid zinku 40g
Elina Baby krem Zinkoxid 10% 30ml
Baby cream me vaj shea, pantenol, dhe zink 10% 200ml
Balsam tigri kinez 19.4g
Krem per kujdesin e lekures 200ml
Jomelop-G 50G
Jomelop-E 145ml
Striament Lotion 140ml
Fitalp tonic 150ml (per masazh, zvogelimin e dhimbjeve nga ftohjet)
Lea anti acne losion 110ml
Lea anti acne gel 50ml
Krem propolis kunder akneve 100ml
Deo sprej men fresh kick 150ml
Deo sprej men black & white 150ml
Parfum frozen 30ml
Story of love - parfum & krem
Frozen kids kreher per floke
Veet normal 100ml
Veet silky fresh 100ml
Veet men cream 100ml
Veet sensitive 100ml
Sprej kunder renies se flokeve 5% Minofud 100ml
Restoria discreet 147ml
ngjyre - krem per floke 250ml
Pantenol rastvor 100ml
Pincete profesionale
Bitsiz - shampo per parazit 100ml
Multibit 100ml (sprej kunder morrave)
Multibit 200ml (Shampo per parazit)
Vaginal douche vinegar 150ml
Vaginal douche providone 150ml
SVX vaginal douche sodium bicarbonate 150ml
SVX intimate cleaning liquid 250ml
Diaper barrier cream + Vitamin E 100ml
Becutan baby cream 100ml
Shampoo me kamomil becutan 200ml
Shampon becutan 200ml
Becutan baby cream
Vaj becutan 200ml
Puder becutan 100g
Sapun becutan 90g
Sapun kamomil becutan 90g
Baby hair body wash 200ml
Palloma becutan A20
Palloma becutan A72
Puder johnson 200g
Puder johnson 100g
Vaj johnsons aloe vera 500ml
Vaj johnsons 300ml
Johnsons baby shampoo 500ml
Shampon gentle 300ml
Shampon chamomile 300ml
Kids shampoo 500ml
Vita rich shege 400ml
Vita rich & shea butter badem 400ml
Natural facial cleansing gel 400ml
Natural facial cleansing foam 150ml
Natural makeup cleansing milk 200ml
Lavander oil krem 30ml
Rose oil krem peeling 15ml
Rossa care krem 50ml
Natural suncreen 50+spf 200ml
Losion per trup 200ml
Serum me biotine dhe kafeine per floke 150ml
Sprej per floke 150ml
Serum per floke dhe skalp 50ml
Sprej per floke me arome lavander 150ml
Tonike me uje trendafili 150ml
Tonike me uje lavande 150ml
Natural bronzing oil 50ml
Collagen serum 30ml
Hyaluronic acid B5-B3 serum 30ml
Regenerative serum 30ml
Snow white serum 30ml
Vitamin C serum 30ml
Anti acne krem 50ml
Natural sunscreen 30spf 50ml
Anti age krem 50ml
Hemocure genital krem 50ml
Shea intensive krem 50ml
Nipple balm 50ml
Roll on deodorant, rose,lale,pine,daise
Serum per sy 15ml
Serum per vetulla dhe qerpik 20ml
Derma roller stimulues per daljen e flokeve
Gur & roller masazhues per fytyre
Corega tableta A-108
Kukident reinger aktiv plus 1x33 eff A3
Corega ngjites triple action,starker,halt,frisch,neutral
Corega extra strong 40g
Kukident ngjites kamille & haftschutz 40g
Odol - med3 original & extra white
Odol - med3 power
Pej pastrues per dhembe A5
Pastrues per proteza A60
Pej pastrues per dhembe A50
Pej pastrues per dhembe A25
Penje pastrues per dhembe
Brushe per proteza 0.4mm,0.5mm A8
Pej pastrues per dhembe A40
Laps zbardhues per dhembe 2.0g
Brushe per proteza 0.6mm,0.7mm A8
Brushe per proteza A5 S,M,L
Brushe taxi per femije 7-12 vjeq
Brush gold medium
Brush medium
Brush hard tartar control
Brush junior 6+ soft
Rruza per femije
Listerine cool mint 250ml
Listerine advanced white 250ml
Listerine mentol 95ml
Listerine fresh brust 250ml
Listerine total care 250ml
Listerine total care 95ml
Listerine kids smart rinse 250ml
Dentissimo mouthwash fresh breath 250ml
Dentissimo mouthwash gum protection 250ml
Freshind mouthwash 250ml
Gengigel xhel oral 20ml
Baby dent drops for massage 10ml
Zabolex drops
Sprej per goje capitno
Toothpaste natural with herbs 75ml
Dental spray 30ml
Disney Micky Mouse Set Qante 3+
Disney Mickey and Friends Brush Me Vibrim Ultra Soft 3+
Disney Mickey and Friends Paste Mint 75ml 3+
Disney Minnie Mouse Set me Qante 3+
Disney Minnie Mouse Brush Soft 3+
Disney Mickey Mouse Brush Soft 3+
Winx Set me Qante 3+
Winx Paste 75ml 3+
Winx Brush me Vibrim Soft 4+
Winx Brush Timer-1 Min Soft 3+
Winx Brush Soft 3+
Winx Travel Kit Soft 3+
Minions Oral Care Kit me Drit
Minions Set me Qant 3+
Minions Paste Mint 75ml 3+
Minions Brush Soft 3+
Minions Oral Care Kit me Top 3+
Minions Brush Timer 2-min Flashing Soft 3+
Minions Travel Kit Soft 3+
Minions Brush me Vibrim Soft 4+
Spiderman Kit me Qante 3+
Spiderman Brush Soft 3+
Spiderman Paste Mint 3+
Spiderman Brush Soft Timer 2-min Flashing 3+
Spiderman Travel Kit Soft 3+
Disney Princess Set me Qante 3+
Disney Princess Paste Mint 75ml 3+
Disney Princess Brush Soft Timer 2-min Flashing 3+
Disney Princess Brush Soft 3+
Disney 101 Dalmatins Paste 75ml 3+
Disney 101 Dalmatins Brush Soft Timer 2-min Flashing 3+
Paw Patrol Soft Timer 3+
Paw Patrol Travel Kit Soft
Barbie Set me Qante 3+
Barbie Brush me Vibrim Soft 4+
Turtles Ninja Power Set me Qante 3+
Turtles Ninja Brush me Vibrim Soft 4+
Turtles Ninja Brush Soft 3+
Pampers maxi pack (5 )11-16 kg A50
Pampers maxi pack (7) 15+ kg A40
Pampers active baby (4) 9-14kg 46 cope
Pampers active baby (3) 6-10kg 54 cope
Pampers 6 premium care 13 kg + 38 cope
Pampers active baby (3) 6-10 kg 82 cope
Pampers maxi pack (4) 9-14 kg 58 cope
Pampers active baby (2) 4-8 kg 66 cope
Pampers 1 premium care 2-5 kg 50 cope
Pampers 5 premium care 11-16kg 44 cope
Pampers active baby (4) 9-14 kg 17 cope
Pampers active baby (6) 13-18kg 52 cope
Pampers active baby (5) 11-16kg 60 cope
Pampers 1 premium care 2-5kg 26 cope
Pampers 0 premium 3kg 30 cope
Pampers active baby (5) 11-16kg 38 cope
Pampers 2 premium care 4-8kg 46 cope
Pampers 2 premium care 4-8kg 23 cope
Pampers 3 premium care 6-10kg 60 cope
Pampers 6 13-18kg 32 cope
Pampers per te rritur L110-150cm A30
Shtroje 60x90cm A30
Pampers per te rritur M 85 -125cm A30
Pampers fresh clean A52
Pampers fresh clean A80
Pampers sensitive A52
Pampers sensitive A80
Palloma baby wipes A72
Pampers aqua pure A48
Palloma fresh & soft A63
Always ultra 3 day & night A7
Always ultra 2 super plus A8
Always ultra 1 normal plus A10
Always platinum 1 normal
Always platinum 2 7 super
Always platinum 3 6 super
Always 3 ultra night A14
Always 1 normal A20
Always 2 ultra super A 16
Always platinum 2 super A14
Always platinum 3 night A12
Always platinum 4 night A10
Always ultra secure night (4)
Carefree flexiform A30
Carefree normal A20
Carefree normal ale vera A56
Carefree normal frischeduft A56
Pambuk pastrues per fytyre A120
Tampon normal A8
Tampon super A8
Tampon mini A8
Tampon normal organic A16
Tampon mini organic A16
Tampon super organic A16
Tampon super A16
Tampon normal o.b original A16
Tampon super plus A16
Tampon mini A16
Tampon normal A16
Tampon normal A4
Palloma per syze A20
Pallome per syze A10
Plehure mikfrofiber per syze A2
Pallome per syze A30
Pallome per syze A52
Qese te medha per barnatore A/400
Qese te vogla per barnatore A/600
Gillete 2 blades A2
Prerse per thonje
Prerese per thonje A1
Ndihmese hekuri per hecje ERS-102
Ndihmese hekuri per ecje me rrota ERS-102T
Ndihmese e femijeve per ecje per femije ERS-102T-C
Karrige fecesi me rrota KY696
Karrige fecesi e bardhe ERS-200
Ndihmese alumini per ecje ERS-103
Karrige fecesi e zeze ERS-202
Patarica nen sjetull S,M,L
Patarica brryli AS-923L
Kater pod ERS-105
Tre pod ERS-104
Shkop per ecje ERS-106
Karrige me rrota DM-80/AS-809-46
Karrige elektrike me rrota
Shtrat elektronik me tre funksione
Ndihmese per ecje me pushuese fren dore
Mobilizues i kukave SL-909 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Ngritese plastike per WC
Karrige me rrota dhe fecesi DM-680
Rryp per bruh- dyaneshe SL-513
Rryp per bruh- majte, djathte, SL-513
Breke per mbajtjen e testikujve SL-924 (5,6,7,8,9,10)
Breke rezistente ndaj lageshtise A2 (S,M,L)
Rripa per mobilizimin e kukave per femije SL-910 (S,M,L)
Rregullator per gishtin e madh te kembes
Qafore filadelfia e hapur ERS-112 (S,M,L)
Qafore filadelfia e mbyllur ERS-111 (S,M,L)
Qafore cervikale collar SL-05U (S)
Qafore e bute SL-05 (S,M,L,XL)
Qafore nelson ERS-110 (S,M,L)
Qafore e bute e zeze SL-05D (S,M,L)
Qafore nelson me beze ERS-110K (XS,X,M,L,XL)
Qafore filadelfia me kurrize ERS-114 (standart)
Qafore filadelfia per femije ERS-111 (Standart)
Qafore nelson per femije ERS-110 kids
Qafore e bute per femije SL-05 (Standart)
Jastek per udhetim SL-23
Korset per kafazin e gjoksit SL-230 (Standart)
Korset per drejtim dhe rregullim te trupit SL-915 (L)
Korset per mobilizim dhe drejtim te trupit SL-912 (S,M,L)
Splint terheqes per klavikule per femije
Splint per strukturen e shpines per femije SL-162F (Standart)
Shirit kerthize per femije SL-245C (Standart)
Shoke universal me shufra plastike silikoni S3041
Shoke lumbosakral me shufra plastike per femije SL-260K (Standart)
Splint terheqes shpatullave per femije SL-330 (Standart)
Splint me shufra per stabilizim te shpines
Korset ortoze tarkale lumbosakrale SL-911 (M)
Korset per formesimin e belit SLP-701 (Nr.34-35)
Shoke elastike me shufra metali ERSA-216 (Standart)
Shoke lumbosakrale me shufra metali REF-730 (S,M,L,XL)
Shoke elastike ERSA-215 (Universale)
Shoke e leshte SL-11 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Kolostomi korsesi SL-242 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke universale
Shoke e leshte me ngjites SL-11C (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke elastike me shufra metali SL-260K (S,M,L,XL,XXL) 26cm
Shoke elastike me shufra metali SL-320K (S,M,L,XL,XXL) 32cm
Shoke gjoksi SL-241 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke per shtatzani SL-244 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke lumbosakrale REF-731 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke me ngjites abdominale SL-210 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per strukturen e shpines SL-162 CYK-F (Standart)
Shoke elaastike lumbosakrale SL-271 (S-M,L-XL,XXL)
Shoke lumbosakrale me shufra plastike SL-270 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke elastike abdominale SL-240 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke abdominale me kapse SL-215 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke me shufra dhe ngjites SL-220 (Standart)
Shoke lumbosakral me shufra metali SL-261 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shoke per bruh kerthizore SL-243 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per shpine shpatulla SL-161 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per bel, shpine shpatull SL-330K (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint terheqes per klavikula SL-04 (XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Mobilizues i shpines dhe legenit SL-920 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Jastek mbeshtetes per karrige SL-06
Jastek per hemoroide SL-07
Jastek per kerrbisht SL-07Y
Jastek per te ulur SL-07K
Jastek i hapur per te ulur SL-07A
Jastek ortopedik me gell SL-22J (S)
Jastek me nivel SL-22 (S)
Jastek kunder gerrhatjes SL-923
Jastek per rrotullimin e pacientit
Thes me rere 500gr REF-410
Jastek per kembe
Mbajtese krahu me jastek te vogel 30 (SL-03)
Mbajtese dore LUX SL-01B
Mbajtese krahu me rrjete SL-01F (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Mbajtese krahu me jastek te madh 45 - 60 (Sl-03D)
Mbajtese krahu universal SL-02
Shirit per epikondilitis ERSA-211
Mbajtese per shpatull Ref-620 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese pee brryl Ref-300 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint gome per brryl me silikon Ref-302 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese elastike brryli ELS-02 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbajtese krahu per femije SL-02C (Standart)
Mbajtese krahu Lux per femije SL-01 (S,M,L)
Rryp per epikondilitis REF-303 (Standart)
Rryp per epikondilitis me shufra REF-304 (Standart)
Shtrenguese brryli me shufer ERSA-217 (Standart)
Mbajtese krahu Lux SL-01 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Stabilizues i dores dhe i krahut SL-14 (Standart)
Mbajtese per krahe shpatull SL-13 (S,M,L)
Shtrenguese brryli me rrypa ngjites REF-301 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Mbajtese- stabilizues humerusi per krahe, majte-djathte REF-621 (S,M,L)
Rregullator krahu me mekanizem SL-906 djathe-majte (M)
Splint brryli per femije ERSA-222 (Standart)
Splint per epikondilitis per femije ERSA-211 (Standart)
Shtrenguese elastike brryli S8317 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese elastike krahu REF-709 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese elastike krahu me silikon REF-710 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint brryli me ngjites S8321 (Standart)
Shirit epikondiliti me ngjites-silikon S8322 (Standart)
Splint me lidhese per gisht dhe kyq te dores majte-djathte REF-604 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint me shufra per kyq te dores SL-19 majte-djathte (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Mobilizues per 2 gishta te vegjel te dores (ERSA 220)
Mobilizues per krah dhe kyq te doresa ERSA-210 (Standart)
Shtrenguese me shufer per kyq te dores majte-djathte REF-722 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per kyq te dores me ngjites dhe shufer metalike majte-djathte S8551
Splint per kyq te dores dhe gisht te madh me shufer metalike majte-djathte S8555
Shirit me ngjites per kyq te dores S8514 (Standart)
Splint per gisht ERSA-205 (Standart)
Splint per mobilizim dore REF-19 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per mobilizim dore REF-602 djathte,majte (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per mobilizim dore SL-21 majte,djathte (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per gisht SL-15 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese per kyq te dores ELS-04 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per mobilizim dore REF-603 (S,M,L,XL)
Mobilizues per nyjen e gishtit SL-601 (Nr. 1,2,3,4,5,6)
Mbajtese e gishtit tri pjeseshe SL-606 (S,M,L)
Mobilizues alumini per gisht SL-602 (S,M,L)
Mobilizues gishti SL-603 (S,M,L)
Shirit per nyje te dores ERSA-208 (Standart)
Stabilizues per gisht SL-604 (S,M,L)
Splint gome me shufer per kyq te dores majte-djathte REF-601 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Mobilizues per gishtin e mesem te dores ERSA-225 (Standart)
Ortoze termoplastike per kyq te dores dhe gishtit majte-djathte SL-905 (M)
Shtrenguese per kyq dhe gishtat e dores majte - djathte SL-902 (M)
Shtrenguese elastike per kyq te dores S8503 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per kyq te dores me shufee per femije - djathte ERSA-206 (Standart)
Splint per kyq dhe gisht te dores per femije - djathte ERSA-207 (Stsndart)
Fashe elastike per dore dhe kembe 1M, 3M S02
Gome per patarica
Termofor i veshur
Tope silikoni e kuqe, e kaltert, e gjelbert
Shtrenuese elastike gjuri S6040 (S,M,L,XL)
Shirit per patellen e gjurit S6010 (Standart)
Mobilizues gjuri me vrime dhe shufer plastike S6058 (Standart)
Mobilizues gjuri me vrime dhe ngjites S6035 (Standart)
Shirit gjuri me ngjites REF-110 (Standart)
Mobilizues gjuri SL-12 (L)
Shtrenguese e muskujve te kofshes per femije ERSA-219 (Standart)
Shtrenguese gjuri me vrime dhe silikon per femije ERSA-201 (Standart)
Shtrenguese gjuri me vrime silikon, shufer plastike per femije ERSA-202 (Standart)
Shtrenguese me ngjites per muskujt e kembes REF-510 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese e muskujve te kofshes REF-500 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per muskujt e kofshes SL-900 (Standart)
Splint me shufer per miniskus dhe ligamente REF-104 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per mobilizimin e gjurit REF-100 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per miniskus dhe ligamente REF-102 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint me ngjites per miniskus dhe ligamente REF-103 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese gjuri me ngjite RE-106 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint silikoni per mbeshtetjen e gjurit REF-111 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese elastike me silikon dhe shufer metali REF-703 (M,L)
Shtrenguese elastike gjuri me shufer plastike REF-702 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese elastike gjuri me silikon REF-701 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Rregullator i gjurit SL-09A majte-djathte (L)
Rregullator gjuri me mekanizem SL-09N (Standart)
Shtrenguese e puples per femije ERSA-218 (Standart)
Splint gjuri me silikon REF-101 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint gjuri me shufer silikon REF-107 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese gjuri me vrime (Standart)
Splint gjuri me vrime silikon ERSA-201 (Standart)
Splint gjuri me silikon REF-105 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese gjuri ERSA-200 (Standart)
Shtrenguese e ligamentit te gjurit REF-700 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese gjuri e leshte SL-10 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese elastike gjuri REF-699 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese elastike gjuri ELS-01 (S,M,L,XL)
Splinte gjuri me vrime ERSA-202 (Standart)
Rregullator i kembes SL-09 (Standart)
Shtrenguese per kyqin e kembes REF-401 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese silikoni per kyqin e kembes REF-402 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Splint per kyqin e kembes SL-916 (Standart)
Mobilizues per nyjen e kembes SL-08J - Aircast (Standart)
Splint silikoni per nyje te kembes per femije ERSA-213 (Standart)
Splint per nyje te kembes per femije ERSA-212 (Standart)
Splint me ngjites per kyq te kembes S7028 (Standart)
Shtrenguese elastike per kyq te kembes S7035 S,M,L,XL
Mobilizues i kyqit te kembes REF-403 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Kepuce anatomike Hallux Valgus HV-12 (M)
Mbathje per gips SL-508 (M)
Mbathje per femije me pajisje metali SL-952 (No:22)
Shtroje per kepuce me take Sl-509K (S,M,L)
Mobilizues per gisht te kembes HV-10 (majte,djathte)
Terheqese per gisht te kembes HV-11 (Standart)
Shtroje silikoni per kepuce SL-500 (XS,X,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtroje silikoni per kepuce SL-500C (L)
Shtroje thembre per kepuce SL-501 (S,M,L
Shtroje thembre lekure SL-505 (S,M,L,XL)
Silikon per harkun e shputes SL-512 (S,M,L,XL)
Jastek silikoni per gishtat e kembes SL-514 (majte,djathte)
Rom walker Sl-510 (M,L)
Mbeshtetese per kyqin e kembes SL-903 (djathte,M)
Mobilizues per nyjen e kembes me jastek ajri SL-08 (universal)
Silikon per mes te gishtave te kembes A2 (SL-503) S,M,L
Silikon per gisht te kembes SL-507M
Unaze silikoni per gishta te kembes SL-516 (S,M,L)
Shtrenguese elastike e nyjes se kembes REF-719 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese silikoni e thembres se Akilit REF-721 (S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese elastike e nyjes se kembes me silikon REF-720 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per nyje te kembes ERSA-212 (Standart)
Shtrenguese elastike per kyq te kembes ELS-03 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbrojtese e kyqit dhe e shputes ERS-01 (S,M,L)
Splint silikoni per nyje te kembes ERSA-213 (Standart)
Shtrenguese per nyje te kembes REF-400 (Standart)
Mobilizues per nyje te kembes me jastek sfungjeri SL-08K
Hollaopke per vena hspur 508/1 (ccl1) Nr:1
Corape per vena mbi gju hapur 507/1(ccl1) Nr:1-7
Hollaopke per vena mbyllur 508 (ccl1)Nr:1-7
Corape per vena mbi gju A2 ERSA-516 (pas operimit_ S,M,L,XL,XXL
Corape per vena mbi gju mbyllur (ccl1) 507 Nr:1-7
Hollaopke per vena mbyllur Nr:2,3
Corape per vena nen gju A2 ERSA-515 (S-XXXXL)
Corape per vena mbi gju me lidhese ne bel A2
Corape per vena (ccl2) te hapura A1 (M,L,XL)
Hollaopke per vena hapur 511/1 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Hollaopke per vena mbyllur 511 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena mbi gju mbyllur 510 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena mbi gju hapur 510/1 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena nen gju hapur 509/1 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena nen gjum byllur 509 (ccl2) Nr:1-7
Hollaopke per shtatzana 508/H (ccl1) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena nen gju mbyllur 505 (ccl1) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena nen gju hapur 505/1 (ccl1) Nr:1-7
Corape per vena nen gju ersa-500 Nr:1-5
Corape per vena mbi gju ersa 501 Nr:1,2,5
Corape per vena mbi gju mbyllur 502 (ccl1) Nr:1-5
Qafore e bute cervikale Art.1001 (S,M,L)
Qafore e bute cervikale me panel te ngurte Art.1005 (S,M,L)
Rripa fleksibel per pjerrtesine e shpatullave Art.2016 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Rregullator i shtylles kurrizore per femije Art.2005 (S,M,L)
Rregullator intensiv i klavikulave Art.2024 (M,L)
Mbajtese elastike per qendrimin e drejte te shpatullave Art.2013 (M,L,XS,S)
Mbajtese e shpines me shufra metalike Art.2035 (S,M,L,XL,XXL)
Shtrenguese gjuri me vrima Art.6037 (S,XL,XS,)
Splint per patellen e gjurit Art.6053 (XS,XL)
Mobilizues per gishtin e madh te kembes Art.7707 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbajtese krahu Art.8013 (XS,S,M,L,XL)
Shtrenguese e kyqit te dores Art.8505 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per kyqin e dores Art.8555 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per dore dhe gisht te madh Art.8556 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbajtese krahu Art.9907 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbajtese krahu rrjet Art.9912 (S,M,L,XL)
Fashe elastike mjekesore 5mx12cm Art.12x120x5
Stabilizues gjuri me vrime dhe mekanizem FG658
Stabilizues per kyqin e dores FG851 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint per gishtin e madh te dores per femije Art.KD814 (M,L)
Splint dore per femije Art.KD852 (M,L)
Mbajtese krahu per femije Art,KD910 (S,M,L)
Splint gjuri me vrime per femije Art.KD658 (M,L)
Splint per kyqin e dores me rrip Art.8512 (S,L)
Splint per gisht te madh te dores me shufra metali Art. 8552 (S,M,L,XL)
Mbajtese e shpines me mekanizem universal Art.FG341
Splint per kyqin e kembes per femije universal Art.KD710
Splint per nyjen e gishtit te madh te kembes Art.7702 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint dore me shufer metali Art.8551 (S,M,L,XL)
Splint me drejtimin e shpines me shufra metali per femije Art. KD205 (M,L)
Shtrengues per kyqin e kembes e zeze Art. 7010 (S,L)
Lekure 36-46
Lekure 36-40
Lekure 36-40
Lekure 40-46
Lekure 40-46
Lekure 36-40
Skaj 36-40
Lekure 36-40 Skaj 36-40
Lekure 36-40
Mbathje verore kaltert e erret 36-42
Mbathje verore e bardhe 42-44
Mbathje ortopedike e zeze 36-46
Mbathje ortopedike kaltert e erret 36-46
Mbathje ortopedike kuqe 36-42
Mbathje ortopedike hiri 36-46
Sodium chloride 0.9% 100ml A20
Sodium chloride 0.9% 250ml A10
Sodium chloride 0.9% 500ml A10
Dextrose 5% 100ml A10
Dextrose 5% 250ml
Dextrose 5% 500ml A10
Dextrose 10% 500ml A10
Ringers solution 500ml A10
Metrodinazole 500mg/100ml A10
Mannitol 20% 250ml A10
Ringer lactate 500ml A20
Sodium chloride 0.9% 100ml A10
Natrium Chlorid 0.9% 500ml A20
Glucosi Infudible 10% 500ml A10
Oki 80mg 30 bustine
Okitask 40mg 10 bustine
Sintredius 1.0mg/ml soluzione orale
Artrosilene amp 160mg/2ml ketoprofene 6 fiale
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Alvolamid T 500mg x 10 tab
Alvolamid T 250mg x 10 tab
Trimetacor MR 35mg x 60 tab
Formoterol 12mcg x 60 caps
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Telmotens 80mg x 30 tab
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Sevikar HCT 40/10/25 28 tab
Sevikar 40mg/10mg 28 tab
Sevikar HCT 40/10/12.5 28 tab
Sevikar 40mg/5mg 28 tab
Q - pin 25mg x 60 tab
Zaracet 75mg/650mg 30 tab
Katena 300mg x 50 caps
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Rosix duo 20/100mg x 30 caps
Monlast 5mg x 28 tab
Afloderm krema 20g
Rosix Duo 10mg/100mg
Effecol 3350 A12
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Nozalys relief 20ml
Meloo sir 175ml
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Meloo junior sir 175ml
Tiroid formula 30 capsules
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Beviplex B complex 30 tableta
Gingival gel 15g
Daktanol 2% krem30g
Dovicin 100mg 5 kapsula
Oligovit 20 complex 30 tab
Pantenol 5% mast 30g
Sinoderm N 0.25mg/g+3.3mg/g mast 15g
Hydrocyclin 10mg/g+30mg/g mast 20g
Propranolol 40mgx50 tab
Pantenol + vitamin C 20 oriblete
Testosteron depo 250mg/ml 5 ampx1ml
OHB12 2500mcg/2ml - 5ampx2ml
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Sinoderm 0.25mg/g gel 30g
Jekoderm mast 25g
Spalmotil 5mg/ml 10ml
Katopil 25mg 40 tab
Ksalol 1mg 30 tab
Ksalol 0.5mg 30 tab
Ksalol 0.25mg 30 tab
Bensedin 10mg 30 tab
Diklofen amp 75mg/3ml A5
Vitamin C amp 500mg/5ml A50
Digestal gastrorezistente 20 tab
Diklofen gel 1% 10mg/g 50g
Rivarox 20mgx28 tab
Didermal 0.5mg + 1mg/g mast 15g
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Oligovit Mg direct B1,B6,K2,D3 14 kesica
Almacor 5mg 30 comprimate
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Methylergometrin 0.25mg/ml pika 10ml
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Xepar 10mg/30 tab
Pepticaid 40mgx14tab
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Gluformin 500mgx30 tab
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Stanicid 2% ung 10g
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Sinedol gel 500mg/25mg/40g
Hepathrombin gel 40g 500
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Hepathrombin gel 300 40g
Hepathrombin H mast 20g
Rapten Diklofenak 1% Gel 40g
Hepathrombin H 10 supp
Marissimo baby spray 125ml
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Nafazol 0.05% pika 10ml
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Mycoseb 2% shampon 100ml
Valsavil 30x160mg 30 tab
Valsavil trio 10/160/12.5mg x 28 tab
Moxistad 400mg/10tab
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Areta lercanidipine 20mgx30 tab
Ormus esomeprazole 28x40mg
Ormus esomeprazole 28x20mg
Areta 10mgx30 tab
Nebivolol 5mg x 30 tab
Snup spray 0.05% 10ml
Snup spray 0.1% 10ml
Erythromicin (pluhur per suspenzion oral) 250/5ml
Amoxicilin 500mgx16 caps
Erythromicin 500mgx20 tab
Cardilor 200mgx30 tab
Cyclovax 200mgxtab
Carbamazepine 200mgx50 tab
Glibenclamid 5mgx40 tab
Clomifiene 50mgx10 tab
Acetazolamide 250x30 tab
Nifalet tablets 30x30mg
Perazone 20tab 0.5mg
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Aremed 28x1mg
Ibuprofen 400mg 20 tab
Nifelat 60mg x 30 tab
Emforal 50x40mg
Methyldopa 30x250mg
Doxycycline 10x100mg
Furosemide 20x40 mg
Peptomet 10mg x 30 tab
Aspirem 75mg x 56 tab
Cyclovax 400mg 10 tab
Credinal 250mg/ 25mg x 50 tab
Operil P nasal spray solution children 2-7 years 0.25mg/ml 10ml
Operil p nasal drops solution children 2-7 years 0.25mg/ml 10ml
Operil nasal spray solution adults&children 7+ years 0.5mg/ml 10ml
Operil nasal drops solution adults&children 7+ years 0.5mg/ml 10ml
Pika per lythi collodion acid 10ml
Colidex probiyotik 7.0ml
Sprej per hunde me eukalipt 20ml
Sprej per hunde 20ml
Nasal drops pika per hund 20ml
Multisinus 20x240ml
Pika per pastrimin e dyllit ne veshe 20ml
Multisinus 40 sachets
Vitamin D 25000IU 5ml
Carvacrol - sprej per goje 30ml
Solucion fiziologjik pika per hunde .9% 10ml
Inhaler per hunde A12
A+D3 sol 10ml
Bisolvon 4mg/2ml (2mg/1ml) 40ml
Nosal spray D panthenol 30ml
Nasal drops D - panthenol 10ml
Nosal spray 30ml
Nosal drops 10ml
Dorzoptic plus 2.5+0.5% 5ml
Eytobrin 0.3% 5ml
Nafloxin 0.3% 5ml
Dexachlor 0.1+0.5% 10ml
Septoclear tears 10ml
Silar solution 10ml
Propolis drops 20% for children 15ml
Propolis drops 10% for children 15ml
Propolis drops 5% for children 15ml
Propolis oral spray 30ml
Clavex sol 10ml
Pantenol mast 50g
Pantenol krem 50g
Micotar mundgel 20g
Veno balm 200ml
Alpine balm 200ml
Balsam mentoli 50ml
Herpesan gel 7g
Fitalp gel 50ml
Gynex cream 45ml
Sulfur ointment 10% 100g
Sulfur ointment 20% 100g
Sulfur ointment 15% 100g
Pasta zinc 30g
Anti-scabiens 250ml
Puder e lenget 120ml
St.John's wort cream kantarion 45ml
Ihtiol (per gervishtje, demtime te lekures) 35g
Biofreeze gel tuba 59ml
Propolis dental gel for adults 20ml
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Lemod- solu metiprednizolon 40mg amp 15+15
Noradren noradreline amp 8mg/4ml A1
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Veracol cetriaxone amp Im 1g
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Levofloxacin cooper inf sol 5mg/100ml
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Etodin fort 400mg 14 tab
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Anabel 1 x 28 tab
Anabel emergent 1 tab
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Arthrostop gel 100ml
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